50 Things in 2013

This comes as a very late post (understatement of the year), but I’ve always wanted to share with you about my memory jar – something I keep by the side of my table and I fill up with precious moments or thoughts in writing; from 1st January and review on the last day of every year. I bought my jar from Ikea for under 4 bucks and decorated the exterior with little things I found in my prop drawer.

I would keep notes from others, tickets, and write about my feelings when ever I was happy or upset. We’re always so caught up with life that these small moments slip by us, and I’m thankful I have my memory jar to remind me about both the good and bad times that have helped me grow as a person. I’m four months late in reviewing the year 2013, but here goes nothing! Below is a list of 50 of things that happened/my thoughts in the last year, in chronological order.

my memory jar

50 things/thoughts in 2013:

1. Shaved a side of my head – from my waist-length hair (I miss that so much!)
2. Bought my first fortune kitty! Yes I’m superstitious like that – but I’m all for good luck in business ;)
3. Bought my 85L and it has the creamiest bokeh ever!
4. Bought an iPad Mini for work – lurrrrrrvit, though I barely use it now
5. Attended Fox-Out’s fashion show at Attica and it was such a great night :)
6. Bumped into P on his birthday, after not talking for months (what are the odds?!)
7. Went to Russell Peters’ Notorious World Tour! :D
8. Got shoulder length hair – back in crazy pink
9. Tried my first couple shoot with the help of Drea
10. Non-pretentious nights out with Melvin and Wilson xx
11. So appreciative of the friends I’ve made along the way in the industry :)
12. Had a surprise Mothers’ Day celebration with the extended family yey
13. Got out of a toxic relationship and have never felt happier since
14. Went on my first overseas work trip to Malaysia!
15. Got crazy drunk on my birthday celebration; that night was hilarious! Thank you to my closest bunch of friends x
16. Drea & N whipped up a lovely spread for my birthday dinner!
17. Turned 22 with the best people around me :)
18. Was a workshop instructor for NUSPS Montage 2013 – thank you everyone for attending :)
19. The most nightmarish night, I’ll put that behind me as time goes by.
20. All I can do is smile. I’m dating and happy!
21. Movie marathon with my closest bunch during the haze episode. Nights like these are all I ask for.
22. Recorded my highest sales in June :>
23. Went to Bangkok for 3 weeks and had the best adventures!!!
24. I found my sisterhood in Bali – also my second work trip this year!
25. Went to Cebu with P, and we officially got together there. Maybe happiness can be forever? :’)

my memory jar

26. Year 3 at school begins! (urgh)
27. Had my first manicure + now my is even shorter, with blue, green and purpleeeee yey
28. Went to Paris!!! My first long haul flight (out of Asia), and third work trip. I’m still hungover on Paris! :>
29. Cooked my FIRST EVER meal in Paris! So glad I didn’t die from my own cooking, LOL.
30. P cooked the most delish meal ever for the both of us
31. Watched the worst movie in my entire life (Aftershock)… grrrrrr
32. Took a two-month break from photography, and thankful for all the support I received for my decision
33. 1 year anniversary with my beebo (:
34. Had my first attempt at food photography
35. Came home to a surprise box of roses from the sweetest boy
36. Visited the Androids’ Cave, loveliest and most inspiring place ever x
37. Lent a shoulder to my Dad and Brother at their lowest :’) Feels good to be a pillar of support for my family!
38. A whole week of moodiness, of feeling sad and lost :(
39. Bridesmaid for N & YS’ wedding! What a beautiful day!
40. Bumped into two of my exes in a week, what a coincidence…
41. “Sorry for all that I’m not.” “Thank you for all that you are” :’)
42. USS twice this month for shoots, thank you for making work fun! :)
43. Quiet nights driving home and holding hands x
44. xxxth staycation this year with Drea + FINALLY met Christabel ;)
45. Brought P along to my family x’mas gathering
46. Funny drunk nights with P and his friends
47. Organised a cosy x’mas party at the Android’s cave
48. Got the iPhone 5s in champagneeee!
49. Date night @ DB Bistro, we managed to eat for 2.5 hours without our phones, say whut.
50. Thank you 2013, for teaching me how to Love, Forgive, Give Thanks, Cherish, and for amazing friendships, bonds & family. Also thank God for safe travels this year and may there be more next year! <3 my memory jar

Recent Self Portrait

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I can’t wait to see what this year will bring. Lots of exciting things will be happening once Summer break is here. School has been INSANE (insane doesn’t even cut it), but it’s just a few more weeks now. I can’t wait until it’s all over!

Remember to join the I WANT A FASHION BLOG workshop hosted by both Andrea and I this coming 12th April at *SCAPE. Read my post on it, or visit our website for more details and to sign up!

P/S: There will not be any more iPhoneography diaries since it’s really time-consuming to draft one entire post, and I’ve pretty much summarized 2013 in this post :)

P/P/S: On a final note, stay tuned for my upcoming post on my trip to Pai (Northern Thailand) with Drea, Bel, Lenne & The Smart Local team that was proudly sponsored by Air Asia! xo

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