
Hearts Invaded

hearts invaded
hearts invaded
hearts invaded
hearts invaded
hearts invaded
hearts invaded
hearts invaded
hearts invaded

My first night shoot shot in the early days of the year where we laid on the roads, sat amongst the massive flower pots along the highway, drank on the job (haha) and walked under the moonlight.

This is a story for the broken hearted. Don’t ever give up on yourself, because every end is a new beginning. ♥

Models: Angie L. & Sheryl N.
MUAH: Parichat Naidu
Photographer: Amanda W.
Equipment: 5DMII + 50mm f/1.4
Flickr: hearts invaded

P.S. I have so, so, so much more to show you all! It’s my recess week in school and I just cleared about 30GB of edits in a day. Have about 80GB more to go (I really need some extra space on my Mac)! While I might not release the images on my blog, you can head over to Noel’s to see photos from our shoot! Say hello to bad boy!

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  1. Hi. I’ve got a question. Can I ask if you usually take your photos in jpeg or in raw? Thank you in advance. (: (: (:

  2. these images look soo much better on here than on Facebook. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t really a fan of the ones I saw on fb, but on here I love every single one. Nice job.

  3. Anon: I used to take in JPEG only (my last post with JPEG pictures are from the Unfading Summer Days series), and then I recently started shooting in RAW as my camera’s default. I find that it helps a lot with editing (didn’t use to believe in it at all!) so I always take them in RAW now. :)

    Wenhui: Yesssss it’s finally recess week in school! :D Yey thank you! :) :)

    Jack: Hey Jack, yeah I agree – Facebook really kills the quality (especially when your pictures are in 21 megapixels), but thank you though! :)

  4. Hey! Terrific set of images, very raw and free. Perhaps you can do a set on perceived hangovers! Would be nice to see it done in Singapore xD

    – wei chuan

  5. Noel – No problem bro! Was nice shooting with you! :)
    Anon – I’m studying at SMU! :)
    Anon 2 – I use photoshop/cs5, but started using lightroom for my last shoot (and it really sped up things, yey!)
    WC – Hey WC, thanks for your comment! :) Perceived hangovers? Haha maybe we can work something out and try a project together next time!
    Martina – thank you xoxo
    Kim – Thank you! xx yeah it was really difficult working with so little light but it was a good experience! :)

  6. New Follower! I’m student trying to get into makeup artistry and I have to say that I love picture number 3! the way the light hits her skin, it’s breath-taking!