
Unfading Summer Days

unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days
unfading summer days

Model: Wesseling Alexandra
Photographer: Amanda W.
Equipment: 5DMII + 50mm f/1.4
Flickr: unfading summer days

You must be wondering about the irrelevance of the candle/cover to the series… but it was actually used more for filming (as I mentioned in my previous post)… which I haven’t gotten down to putting together – just so much on my hands now! I have so much great photos for this series I want to show but I always have a problem trying to choose the best few! I know most photographers go through that too. :p

Anyway, do check out my new page [Street Walkers by Beautifuladieu]! It’s a little project where I take photos of good lookers/dressers on the streets of Singapore! I’m still building it up and seeing what else I can do with it. If you’d like to be featured/have any suggestions, drop me a mail or leave a comment!

On a side note, am leaving for KL tomorrow for the Nuffnang Blog Awards (for which you kind people have voted for my site, thank you so much!) Mwah see you all soon xx

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  1. what she’s wearing in the first couple of photos is absolutely divine!! :D reminds me of the dress mariah carey wore in her “we belong together” vc and i’ve been trying to find something similar ever since(!) also, have a blast in kl!! it’d be awesome to meet you but since i’m not going to the awards, i doubt you’d have time to squeeze in a meet? heh. totally rooting for you to win!!! :D :D :D