
Montigo: Home Away From Home

All images taken with Nikon DSLRs and underwater camera


This post comes a few months late, but three months ago, I finally had the opportunity to enjoy two nights at Montigo Resorts in Batam, Indonesia. I say finally because I’ve been seeing pictures of its famous white houses and rooftops all over social media since their opening a few years ago, and from then on, I’ve always wanted to go.

Jemimah, Vera and I packed our suitcases for our short getaway and brought our other halves (while Vera brought her friend Phoebe) along with us. Forty-five minutes after boarding the ferry at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, we arrived at NongsaPura and were promptly greeted by Kashi, who would be our host for the next three days. Kashi turned out to be such a friendly and professional member of the staff; his hospitality made our stay so much more enjoyable and memorable!

Kashi showed us to our villas and gave us a tour as we — when I say we, I mean us girls — squealed at how beautiful the interiors were. Think clean lines and a monochromatic colour scheme, complete with wood finishings. *inserts smiley with heart-shaped-eyes*

We freshened up and filled our bellies with delicious food at Tadd’s before touring the Montigo Residences. If you didn’t know, Montigo has residences that you can purchase as a holiday home (how about that!), and you can also rent it back to the resorts when you’re not staying there. Definitely something I’d consider investing in if I had the money. Forget expensive air fares to exotic locations; you can have an equally luxurious and private beach holiday just forty-five minutes away from home!


The four of us girls spent the remaining afternoon lounging by the main pool and watching the sun set right in front of us, while the boys pigged out back in the villas. The skies were dark as we returned and we were told to gather at the rooftop for dinner. Chef Tony was waiting for us, and our first course was ready to be served: we were having a six-course barbecue on the rooftop! What a romantic way to spend our first night in Montigo… :)


The Montigo villas were all decked with super-extra-deliciously comfortable beds and bed linens that we couldn’t help but indulge ourselves in over the night, only getting ready at 11am when breakfast was almost over.

In the afternoon we went fishing by the jetty within Montigo Resorts’ compound, and we were to have a Chef Experience with Chef Tony by the pool. Apparently we had to catch and cook our own lunch! (The horror) We had thirty minutes to try our luck but alas, all six of us were unsuccessful… Until the very last minute when we were supposed to wrap up and put away our fishing rods. Shane (Jemimah’s other half) took the lead and landed a big one, and within minutes, Zen (my other half) caught one too! Looks like fishing success is contagious!

So Chef Tony prepared our fish, ingredients, and greens which are grown in Montigo’s little garden. Since I’m a terrible cook and Zen is great in the kitchen (ha, role reversal right there), I took charge of photographing the boys and Vera as they whipped up our lunch. Mmmm, just thinking about it makes me hungry right now!


Kashi took us to Nongsa Point Marina for a special line up that evening: a yacht trip out on the Batam waters to catch the sunset. Talk about a unique, luxurious getaway! Though it was cloudy and we only caught a glimpse of the sun rays, we returned to the resort with salty windswept hair and smiles on our faces.

Dinner served at Pantai, a restaurant adjacent to the lobby, was yet another spectacular meal. We were very well fed — too well in fact! We decided to have a karaoke party in a private room at Tiigo after dinner, but Vera and I went for a swim in the main pool before joining the crew. I love how the entire trip was just so laid back, and that we were spoilt for choice when we were deciding on our itinerary. Kashi was again, very accommodating to our needs and arranged our schedules as we indecisively changed our plans on a whim (sorry Kashi!).

Needless to say, we didn’t want to wake nor leave our beds the next morning. It was just too comfortable — where can I buy these bedsheets home?! We packed our luggages and prepared to leave the resort on our last day, but not before visiting the spa. The six of us were brought into a family room for our spa treatments. I chose the Hot Stone treatment, and boy, I’d go as far to say it was probably the best spa I’ve ever done in my life. The best part? The resort offers a Getaway Spa Day Package that includes ferry transfers. Looks like I’ll be heading back again soon for more!


It was finally time to check out and we were (well, at least I was) reluctant to leave our luxurious villas that we had temporarily called home for the past three days. So I guess since Batam is under an hour away from Singapore, I’ll be back again soon! I’m definitely looking forward to having all the great food and experiencing the impeccable hospitality and spa treatments again the next time I’m there. :)


All ready to leave: Goodbye Montigo Resorts and thank you for the fun times!

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