
En Pointe II

en pointe
en pointe
en pointe
en pointe
en pointe
en pointe
en pointe
en pointe
en pointe

Model: Fionna K.
Flickr: en pointe
(A continuation of en pointe part i)

Pointe shoes are easily my most favourite object (other than my camera) in the world – they make ballerinas look so… ethereal. Back to the pointe, I’ve always dreamt of owning a pointe shoe myself; sometimes I wish I’d learn ballet when I was younger… But I know I’ll never be as elegant as these girls will be.

So! I’ve been working on more photos to show you guys – and not forgetting the short film which I’m supposed to get down to! The school term’s gonna be starting again soon so expect a little more sporadic updates.

And of course, I remember that I promised a little print/curves giveaway (I’m still undecided) to thank you guys for your support for the Nuffnang thingamajig and as a little new year gift!

Till then, happy new year and I hope 2012 treats all of you with the best it’s got xx

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  1. Agu – Thank you! You should continue dancing! :)
    Fiona – Haha really! Very fortunate to even have picked up ballet! And thank you, I think I’m better with faceless shots (back to the old tumblr-inspired days :D)

  2. #4, #6 & #7! le sigh. such a lovely set, these are. was this for her own portfolio purposes or just because? also, i completely regret the fact that i never pushed to pursue ballet professionally. it was far too expensive for my parents to afford, sadly.

  3. Charlotte: Thank you, I’m sure you’ll find one! It just came to me one day! :)

    M: Thank you! I’ve always thought of doing a ballerina shoot with a model so when she added on me Model Mayhem I just asked! :) You can always start doing ballet now!

    Wenhui: Thank you! Especially if you’re a dancer too! :D

  4. My fav’s got to be the first 4 images! And I can’t even decide which one I like best because they are all so well done. Great work :>