Threepurs Lookbook

threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i
threepurs lookbook i

Model: Veena McCoole
Wardrobe: Threepurs
Photographer: Amanda Wong
Equipment: 5DMII + 85mm f/1.2L
Flickr: threepurs lookbook i

I remember when the Ler sisters contacted me way back in April to work with them on their first lookbook. Things cropped up and we ended up postponing the shoot all the way till June when we were all pumped to get started. You’d think: finally, after two months! But no, just when we reached the location, it started pouring. We tried to shoot some place else, but it didn’t fit the concept that we’d discussed and planned in depth earlier. Then I left for Bangkok for almost the entire month of July, and then to Bali in the beginning of August. Just before I was to go abroad again mid-August, we finally agreed on a date that fit all our schedules. I was beginning to think we may not even shoot after all, but I’m so glad that we did after a good 4 months of waiting!

On that day, we were blessed with a cloudy day and a soft glow from the sun, and as usual, working with the ever-gorgeous Veena was an absolute breeze. I’m so happy with the end product of this shoot, especially since it’s been a while that I’ve been feeling creatively stagnant. I know I need to push myself even harder and not be comfortable/complacent with the way I’ve been shooting and trust me, I’m trying!

Have a look at Threepurs‘ website if you haven’t by the way. Completely loving their unique homepage!


So an update on my personal life/thoughts: Exams are coming up the end of this month and I’ve been way too busy in school trying to chase my aces (which – hi daddy, I know you’re reading this closely – I don’t know if I can). I have lots of photos sitting in my hard disk waiting for me to edit. Thankfully my paid backlog has been cleared but I’m dying to share the photos I took in Paris, July/August/September/October’s iPhone snaps (has it been that long?!), some food photos, tests and even photos from my travels in 2012. Oh no… queen of procrastination, if you may. Definitely hoping to catch up on most of them before the year ends.

Until then, thanks for reading! :) x

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