Back Alley

back alley
back alley
back alley
back alley
back alley
back alley
back alley
back alley
back alley

Photos by me, Wilson & Melvin

Life’s a little weird, and we’re a little weird.
But that’s ok, because weird’s all I’ve got.

Le android and I on a hazy Wednesday in June at a back alley after a mini photographers’ meet up/lunch.
An afternoon of headstands, jumping off walls, somersaults, running around, being weird… and weirder.

I can’t express how much love I have for Wilson (as a very good friend) who constantly inspires me in every part of life. He’s someone I’ve been most privileged to meet since I joined the local community of photographers. He captures the most wonderful photos, and if you haven’t seen his work, you’re missing out! I’m so thrilled that he’s in Europe right now, creating some of the best adventures for himself and I can’t wait to hear more stories he brings back from his travels… It always reminds me to live life the way he does. Follow him on his Instagram @androidsinboots if you want peeks of his travelogue and life!

Meanwhile, Andrea (whom I’ve been shooting regularly with) and I are going to Paris next Thursday! Planning has been a little difficult since it’ll be both our first time there, so if you have any particular places you think we should visit, please leave a comment or send an email our way. :)

School is about to start and everything’s just going to be a little more hectic. I’m so bad at updating my social media regularly (partly because of my schedule and I procrastinate on blogging a lot haha) but I promise to finish up June diaries as soon as I can.

Ahhhh, how time flies now that I realise it’s already mid August! Stay gold, everyone xx

P.S. Happy birthday to my daddy! I love you and miss you! <3

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