
Anniversary Giveaway!

Hello guys!

I know it’s been way too long since I updated this space, and I’m so sorry! In conjunction with beautifuladieu’s one year anniversary (and also to make up for my absence), I have a giveaway for you guys as promised!



Stand a chance to win a miniature Canon 5DMII 4GB thumb drive!

To participate, all you have to do is:

1. Like beautifuladieu’s Facebook page
2. And like the photo!
3. For an additional entry, share the photo!

The giveaway will be open INTERNATIONALLY for 3 weeks and will end 19 July 23:59 (Singapore time GMT+7). 2 winners will be selected at random and the winners will be announced on the Facebook page on 20 July 12:00!

Good luck! :)

On another note, I spent a couple of days working and coding this entire new layout for the blog. I thought the anniversary would be a good time for a change! I hope you guys like the new navigation bars! :)


In retrospect… I’ve seen myself improve and grow in this first year and I know there’s so much more to learn! I’m so happy to have met so many amazing people during this journey and am especially grateful to those who’ve helped and inspired me. Thank you!

Amanda xxx

P.S. Check out the newly updated temporary portfolio!

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