Happy 2013 + Giveaway

(Photo taken in Shen Zhen, May 2012)

Happy and blessed new year! Sorry this is a little late, I was stuck in 2012 until last night, haha. I originally wanted to post pictures of my personal life throughout the last year but seeing as my dad stalks my blog, I figured not. Kidding, hi dad if you’re reading this! Now, I’m just going to briefly summarize the year.

In 2012, I…

– started taking up paid assignments (and still going great!)
– went back to church after 8 years
– got involved with parrots
– travelled to 6 cities
– had a wonderful 21st!
– met awesome friends (like Wilson and Melvin)
– met a couple of photographer friends from overseas
– shot my first wedding and pre-wedding
– learnt studio lights and shot in studios
– used artificial lights
– worked with SUPER awesome clients :)
– did my first huge production shoot with Dear Laura
– held a giveaway when beautifuladieu turned 1!

And now… I have another giveaway, which ends tomorrow, 4 January at 10pm!

(Click on the picture for more details!)

Calling artists, solo-preneurs, photographers… This is the planner for you! It’s beautifully illustrated by Leonie Dawson! When I first saw this, I immediately bought it, and even bought 2 more copies to giveaway as a way of saying thank you for being part of my journey in 2012.

This planner is an e-book (in PDF format), until you print it of course. I’ve already printed and binded mine in A5, which makes it really handy to carry around! This planner really helps you stay focused and keeps you on track for your business. It’s definitely something you should have!

Enter the giveaway here!

If you want to find out more about Leonie, visit her website! :)

Lastly… follow me on Instagram (@beautifuladieu) if you want to see more photos from my personal life, and the occasional behind the scenes photos from my shoots!

Have a blessed new year! xo

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  1. Happy 2013, Amanda! It seems like you have accomplished so many amazing things in 2012! Can’t wait to see what 2013 has in store for you and what amazing things we will see from you! <3