A dot com! :)

I’ve decided to move back to the blogger platform, because of the familiarity here as well as to start afresh. I’m so thankful for the many opportunities and help that has come along the way since picking up my camera after a long hiatus beginning this year.

This blog will serve as my visual diary, and I will be posting photos from shoots that I have done since I started my fashion photography journey. I am ever so thankful for all the support and love you guys have given me. Please continue to give your support! ♥


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  1. Hey Amanda, I chanced upon your blog while browsing through some of the finalists on Nuffnang Blog Awards Voting Page. I think your photos are gorgeous and deserve much attention so i posted an entry about you on my blog. I don’t do this often but I sincerely hope you win and deserve recognition.

    All the best!